Of course the rain in this Sceptred Isle contributes to its lush greenery, as a New Zealand relative reminded me at the weekend. At the moment there is a green woodpecker to be seen in this garden fairly regularly, and just now a robin is nesting nearby. Every time I go down the path to make a cup of tea, he flies out and up into the copper beech. Poor thing! I wish I could convey to him that I would not ever harm him or his family!
This is a beautiful view of at least fifty shades of green which I see almost every day. They say that hospital interiors used to be painted green as it was one of the most relaxing colours for humans, and it certainly has always been of my favourites, though as I get older I find that my favourites gets to be an increasingly wide field!
Of course the rain in this Sceptred Isle contributes to its lush greenery, as a New Zealand relative reminded me at the weekend. At the moment there is a green woodpecker to be seen in this garden fairly regularly, and just now a robin is nesting nearby. Every time I go down the path to make a cup of tea, he flies out and up into the copper beech. Poor thing! I wish I could convey to him that I would not ever harm him or his family!
1 Comment
5/7/2012 08:04:00 am
Hi Judy, brilliant picture and title! We are so fortunate that we do not have to see the 50 shades of grey while commuting into London every day....
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AuthorLifelong bookworm, love writing too. Have been a theatrical agent and reflexologist among other things, attitude to life summed up by Walt Whitman's MIRACLES. Categories
November 2021