'spring'-clean (I pun, therefore I am!). An early victim was my green 1970s Fred Flintstone Timex, which emerged all present and correct from the washer with every part tickety-boo, including Fred's eye movements! I know a lot of people use their mobiles these days, but I just don't find it as convenient as my trusty wrist-watch!
My husband has given up buying me replacement Timex Indiglo watches when I've lost the latest one (I love the little blue light at night if I need to check the time) - I have to buy my own now! However, things are a little better these days - I have a bowl in my living room, and when I get in I generally put my keys, mobile and watch in there. Only took me about 40 years to find that solution! But occasionally I fall back into bad old ways, parking said
items on random book-shelves, part-time handbags, pockets of dressing-gown, jeans, coats etc.
All this week I have been looking for my watch in the usual places, but even my heartfelt prayer to St Anthony, patron saint of lost things, didn't seem to have worked. Then, yesterday evening, when I turned up at the place where I had been last Friday, where a number of activities take place through the week, I was delighted to find my watch sitting underneath the prayer-tree on the kitchen counter. I recalled that I had taken it off to wash up the teacups. It was heart-warming to think that all the people who'd seen it lying there over the past seven days had been honest enough to leave it to wait for its rightful owner. I give my thanks to them, because I am now able to tell what time it is again!